"The loss of 467,000 jobs in June..." writes Don Lee of the Los Angeles Times, "...made it clear that the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression was far from over."

"This is the only recession since the Great Depression to wipe out all the jobs growth from the previous business cycle," institute economist Heidi Shierholz said.

"If you do a job where someone tells you exactly what to do, they will find someone cheaper than you to do it." Seth Godin

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Amplification of a market resonance

When growing a market for a brand--whether it is a person or a product--one needs to look for the resonance point in the marketplace. In other words, what is it about the person or the product that stirs the reaction in those who are, or would be, drawn to the brand? Understanding what the market is reacting to will determine what aspect of the personality or product needs amplification in the media communication in order to grow and extend the reach of the brand. Voyage is a good example of this. At first the film content may seem counter-intuitive in the way it presents the designer with only a brief look at the products, however, it hit the market's resonance point squarely on target.

"The Voyage video is lovely! It does build a connection to the designer and at the same time it's subtle. It gives a taste of who she is and the journey of her inspiration without giving away too much. It keeps the mystery of the creative process intact. (You know how some videos are too direct when they show: "And this pattern made exactly this piece of jewellery." I think that sometimes devalues the mystery of creativity.) I think that inspiration is multifaceted, a recipe with a whole range of ingredients. I can imagine that one of the designs could have been inspired by a range of memories, smells, parts of a story/book etc. So in this way your Voyage video is a nice balance. It gives enough to build a human connection to the jewellery range, but not too much." Katrin Hannusch, Senior Art Director, Doremus, Hong Kong
"The unique emotional and visual elements in "Voyage" are captivating and stimulating."
Judit & Corina, Wine & Dine TV

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